*This is the story of our journey from Fort St John BC, to Liard Hot Springs BC.* We woke up around 7; Emmy packed up while I worked for the morning. We ended up leaving Uncle Tim’s place around 11am for Fort Nelson. This part of the highway was much nicer than that south of Fort St John. It was just a two lane highway amongst the forest and hills. It didn’t hurt that the weather was just perfect hovering around 60 degrees and sunny as could be. I was enjoying the balmy weather and left my jacket cufflinks open to soak up all that cool air into my jacket. Not 30 minutes later do I feel a bug fly into my right hand jacket arm and then something sting me! I quickly clenched my bicep where I got hit, to try and squish whatever got me, but I could tell whatever was there was still kicking around. I pull over at the next turnout, rip off my jacket like a mad man and sure enough...